Friday 24 January 2014

Spring Is Coming

Spring signifies the emergence of new life. Spring month are the blossoming months that bring meaningful growth and rejuvenation in its wake. Spring enriches natural beauty and its seems as if nature is dressed in a beautiful green gown. Flowers start to bloom gardens get planted people spending their weekends doing yard work and gardening is such a refreshing sight to see after a long cold winter. Knowing that you have planted veggies yourself that you will be able to enjoy throughout the summer months is simply amazing, healthy & yummy! Spring is the beginning of the warmer season of the year. This is the season where people have more getting together that takes outside as well as having an increase in barbecues and events that span across towns. It is one of the more popular moments in the year where people can travel from location to location just to have fun. Spring technically begins on March 21st and ends June 21st. Since the earth is shifting from very cold weather to warmer weather, the atmosphere tends to be more unstable during spring. Severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flooding are likely during the spring. It is important to understand the difference between watches and warnings. A watch means that conditions are present for severe weather to occur, while a warning means that severe weather is currently happening.

Monday 4 November 2013

New Year's Eve Belief and Tradition In The Philippines

Most Filipinos also follow a traditional belief that if the family spends at least the approach of midnight together, then the family will stay together for the entire year.
Filipinos go all out to make a big noise on New Year’s Eve. Filipino firecrackers come in so many shapes and go by very interesting names like Judas Belt (a string of firecrackers). The noise and the firecrackers are believed to drive the evil spirit away and make the New Year happy and blessed.
Children love scratching the dancing firecracker (Watusi) against concrete sidewalks and cemented surfaces, although the government has been warning against it because of chemical poisoning. Cars and trucks are starts and horns to cause as much noise as possible. Empty cans are dragged all around, whistles are blown. Before the clock strikes midnight to herald in the new year, all doors must be left wide open to allow good luck to enter. This includes cupboards, drawers, cabinets and windows.Special foods is prepared, but not like the  on Christmas Eve, although some families might be wealthy enough to prepare a roasted pig. For sure, rice noodles are cooked to signify long life, as are eggs signifying new life. Traditional delicacies made from glutinous or sticky rice are prepared  that’s so good fortune will stick around throughout the year. Part of this are the twelve kinds of round fruits in the table symbolize abundance through out the year. Fish and chicken are not served because these animals scrounge for food, and we don’t want to have to scrounge for food in the coming year.

Monday 21 October 2013

Christmas Time Is Coming

 Among all the festivals and holidays of the Christian Church year, Christmas remains the most observed and most popular. The Christmas season also called the holiday season. The longest season of the year considered to run from late November to early January.The exchange of gifts is central to the Christmas.
One of the main delights of the winter season is Christmas. Thus it is extremely enjoyable to decorate your home with twinkling lights and mistletoe.Christmas is one of the most popular festivals around the world. The approaching winter season indicates us that Christmas is around and we usually associate the winter with the Christmas celebration. The exchanging of gifts is one aspect of the modern celebration of Christmas. shopping malls are busy  making it profitable for retailers in business throughout the world. Christmas day is popular to children to visit their uncles,aunts,godparents. At each home they are presented with a gitf. Food and drinks are also offered.                                                                                                                           During my first Christmas here in Canada one thing I missed is going to church for nine consecutive mass before Christmas eve.I asked my cousin if there is a mass my cousin laughed at me and said it is not possible here winter is extremely cold. I also missed the ( Noche Buena ).A dinner for family  to gather and eat together It is a day of family closeness, and everyone wishes good cheer and glad tidings and  rejoice and feast the birth of Christ.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Are children really better in foreign language learning?

Learning a foreign language is easier if you are exposed to it when you are young. Pronunciation is stronger in children.The younger the learner the better. Learning foreign languages is not difficult nowadays because children today are good at using technology,they are able to learn a new language more quickly using the technology. However, recent studies indicate that the best time for a child to learn another language is in the first three to four years of life that is according to the expert. Language learning is natural in children. They can recognize easily the pictures especially their favorite cartoon characters.  A child can learn another language faster/better than an adult because they have better hearing. It has long been known that there is a strong link between language, music and other developmental skills, such as math and logical thinking.  Children who are exposed to music and/or language training show measurable improvements in other cognitive skills.  Researchers believe that early language exposure actually increases the size and power of a child's brain. It is clear that children have good linguistic capacity in their early age.

Are children really better in foreign language learning

Are children really better in foreign language learning?

Monday 23 September 2013

Matthew 10:28 (king James Version)

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28) We need not be in dread of Satan or his human agents. True, some may have the power to cause harm, even death. However, the worst they can do is still only temporary. Jesus can and will undo any damage done to his faithful servants, even resurrecting them. It is Jesus alone who is worthy of our fear, our profound awe and respect. He alone has the power to take away life and all prospects for future life.Because of the resurrection hope, we as God’s servants can always be sure that we are safe.
Having fear to God it means that we had a strong faith to him.Obviously, it is far more important to obey God then man. Obeying God when it's unpopular has less serious consequences then not obeying God, but following the popular crowd.